About Our Team 

A special thanks to everyone involved in the launch of Bridge Body Systems from Founder Edwin Vasquez. 

Julian A Vasquez, CO Founder / CO CEO - for all of his great help in putting things together and forging a wonderful business plan, as well as setting up this web site and not to mention his research on the product. Also for being a great leader and son.Thank You.

Jose Barreiro, Marketing manager - for joining our team and being a great asset and friend to the company, as well as providing advice and input that were extremely helpful in our business plan. Thank You

Carlos Vazquez, Graphic artist -  for all of his artistry and invaluable help in designing our logo, and all around support, as well as being a great brother. Thank you. You can reach out to him for your own design at cvazquezrawdesigns@gmail.com. 

Scott  Richard,  Fittness expert and certified fitness trainer - For believing in the Bicep Bridge Blaster or BBB and giving it a fantastic endorsement, as well as being a good friend, also working pro bono on the video. Great job!!!. Thank You.  Reach Scott at Scottrichardfittness@gmail.com 

Paul Baxter, Videographer - For coming on board and directing and shooting a great video as well as being a great help and friend, also working pro bono. Thank You. reach Paul at Baxter@Baxterworkshop.com. 

Linda Coffee, Photographer - for  taking time out to help and taking awesome photo shots, as well as being a great team player and friend also working  pro bono. Thank You           

Thank You All who believed in me. I could not have done it without you. 